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Haiti–Day #1–Port-au-Print to Verrettes

February 20, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments
Haiti (Feburary 2011)
Day #1 Day #2 Day #3 Day #4 Day #5 Day #6 Day #7

As we were leaving the Port-au-Prince airport, a swarm of “sky caps” began arguing over payment. Most of them hadn’t touched our bags, but this appears to be how they make a living. I suspect most people give them a few bucks to be free of the conflict. Our driver, a Dutchman who has spent 10 years of the last 30 years living in Haiti, wouldn’t budge. “They think they can get away with this?!”

Third World Bartering

We had a three-hour drive due north from Port-au-Prince to the town we’ll be staying in, Verrettes. The sights and sounds in Port-au-Prince revealed the poverty.

First Sights of Port-au-Prince

Mass Transportation

Mass Trash

Post-earthquake housing

There was a welcoming party with the Haitians and Cubans (don't tell the State Department)

My bedroom. Good night.

Haiti (Feburary 2011)
Day #1 Day #2 Day #3 Day #4 Day #5 Day #6 Day #7
Categories: Haiti (February 2011)
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